It's Our Air!
It's Our Air is an air-quality curriculum of activities and videos for North Carolina environmental science students. I was on the team that planned the curriculum and I wrote the activities. Click here to check it out.
It's Our Water!

I was part of a team that developed It's Our Water! I wrote the activities for this curriculum, which is for North Carolina environmental science students in 8th grade and high school. Click here for more information.
Discovering Science Outdoors

I developed and wrote Discovering Science Outdoors, an interactive independent learning CD for the Talent Identification Program (TIP) in 2007 (out of print). The program, for gifted 4th-6th graders, consisted of outdoor investigations in astronomy, meteorology, hydrology, and wildlife biology.
Learning in the Natural Laboratory: An Introductory Lab Manual

With co-authors Kevin Stewart and Nancy West, I wrote this lab manual for intro geology classes at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1997, out of print).
Students who used the lab book said,
"I notice rocks now, and I'm glad I understand the history of their origins."
"I liked it because we got to go outside and figure things out on our own instead of reading about them in books."
"This lab allowed me to look at the earth a different way. It challenged me to figure out how things occurred and why they are the way they are."
Students who used the lab book said,
"I notice rocks now, and I'm glad I understand the history of their origins."
"I liked it because we got to go outside and figure things out on our own instead of reading about them in books."
"This lab allowed me to look at the earth a different way. It challenged me to figure out how things occurred and why they are the way they are."